Betteridge Luxury Travel

Unforgettable travel experiences - simple & seamless.

Get trustworthy travel planning from an expert

Personalized, one-on-one service.

Take the guess work out of travel.

Convenient communication, not call centers.

Professional Travel Planning

How My Trips are Different

Custom Designed

We don’t have cookie-cutter trips. Your trip will be created just for you.

Our local contacts help us connect your vacation with your interests. As much or as little structure as you wish.

Front of the Line

Bypass the lines at popular attractions, VIP reservations at hotels and restaurants, private museum gallery openings, plus many more ways to beat the crowds.

Private Local Guides

Specialized knowledge that allows for a flexible trip. Available for the whole trip or just part. In the end, you’ll consider your new friend a highlight of your trip.

Luxury Travel Expert

Flexible & Customizable

Global Partner Network

The Sure-Fire Way to Transform a Good Trip into an Amazing Experience.


Meet Lindsay Betteridge

In my early twenties, I took a leap of faith and moved across the Atlantic to the UK to be with my partner. I had barely even been out of the country let alone moving away! However, this move would ignite within me my love for travel that remains with me to this day. Being from two different worlds really opened my eyes to the world around us. I spent as much time as I could exploring all the sites around Europe and creating core memories that will last a lifetime. I have come to realize that those memories are more precious to me than any material possession I could possibly own.

My partner and I have continued to travel and we eventually found ourselves spending a year living and working in Australia. It was during this time that we realized our deep fascination for immersing ourselves in new cities, connecting with locals, and witnessing their vibrant day-to-day lives. Our travels then took us onwards to Southeast Asia, forever etching a special place in our hearts as our favourite destination.

These experiences have helped fuel my passion for travel planning. Whether it’s a quick trip or a detailed month-long itinerary, I love to help others find their own joy in traveling to new places. By curating tailor-made luxury itineraries, I enable individuals to create their own collection of unforgettable core memories, cherished for a lifetime. That is what drives my passion and love for travel planning. The travel planning process itself excites me as much as the trip, as I constantly seek to learn, research, and uncover new destinations.

As your trusted guide, I will craft a tailor-made luxury travel itinerary that promises a captivating experience, filled with moments that will resonate with you long after the journey ends. Let me alleviate the stress of travel planning, allowing you to relish in the anticipation of your upcoming adventure. Together, we will embark on an extraordinary journey, where memories are woven into the very fabric of your soul.

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HoW it works

The Process

1. It Starts With a Chat

We start with just a simple chat on the phone or Zoom to see if we’re the right fit. We'll talk about what you're looking for in your trip and I'll explain more about me and how I can help. From there, we can decide which direction to go.

2. Design and Collaborate

We’ll pool our resources, reach out to our contacts and tap into our own knowledge and experience. Once you’ve seen the options we’ve provided, we’ll work together to create the perfect trip for you.

3. Personalized Itinerary

I present your final itinerary with tickets and reservations in one place. You will have access to everything using a personalized mobile app so you have all the details at your fingertips while you travel.

4. Enjoy Your Trip

You’re off to have the time of your life, with the peace of mind knowing that we’re here if you need us. Enjoy yourself…and send us some pictures from the road!

How do I start?

Pick a Time

It all starts with choosing a date and time that works for you.

Pick a Method

Would you rather meet via Zoom or on a phone call? Zoom calls are more personal, but phone is great too!

Let's Chat!

We'll discuss what you're looking for and how we work together. You can plan for about 30 minutes.

Some of Our Global Partners

We're partners with the top travel brands around the world, allowing us to often provide free upgrades and amenities worldwide.



By Dean Horvath July 4, 2022
If you veer off the tourist path in Italy just a bit, you’ll be rewarded with living in ancient history. You could eat medieval dishes and sleep in a cave that housed a local family over 1000 years ago. The cave is now outfitted with modern luxuries, of course, but a cave itself is as original as it gets. In a different direction, you can experience life in a hillside fortified medieval village nestled within one of Italy’s stunning national parks. There’s always more to love about Italy. But this time around take part in the rich history of how Italians lived and flourished in the ancient past by staying in the Sextantio hotels.
By Dean Horvath July 4, 2022
Dining in Thailand comes in many forms. Some nights you’ll find yourself in Bangkok’s bustling Chinatown slurping down the best noodle soup you’ve ever had. You’ll be sitting on a plastic chair that is surely designed for a five-year-old. The table height is just as low. It’s also a little sweaty since this al-fresco dining situation is on the sidewalk with Bangkok life whizzing by not more than two meters away. But none of this matters because this is the best bowl of noodle soup you’ve ever tasted. On the flip slide, during your time in Thailand you can dine in the most luxurious and private locations you’ve ever seen. Candlelit dinners are lovely, but how about a private candlelit dinner next to a waterfall in the jungle? And I don’t mean just a candle on your table. I’m talking about hundreds of candles surrounding you, illuminating the waterfall, the jungle, with a few larger torches bringing light to your table. The Sarojin Khao Lak Resort offers some of the coolest private dining experiences you’ll ever encounter. The food selection throughout Thailand is worth the trip, but these memorable dining options will leave your taste buds and your heart in Thailand.
By Dean Horvath July 4, 2022
Welcome to the Ballyfin Demesne in County Laois, Ireland. Not much need to read a single review of this hotel before booking because it was voted the best hotel in the world 2016 by Conde Nast Traveler US. As if that’s not a good enough review to convince you, we have a few highlights to share detailing why you’ll love your time in Ireland at the Ballyfin.

What You Get When You Work With Me

A Tailored Approach

Travel is personal. Your dream trip is yours alone. This is why it all starts with a Discovery Call to ensure I can craft the perfect trip for you.

Personal Service & Support

 I'm not a call center and you're not a "voice on the line". You'll be working directly with me, and I care. I'm only ever a quick call or email away.

Unique & Local Experiences

We work directly with experts on the ground  all over the world, so your trip will include exceptional, intimate and unique experiences designed for you.

Let's Go Travel

It's time to change the way you travel. Once you plan your first trip with me, you'll experience the world in ways you never thought possible.

Travel Better

It all starts by saying "Hello"

Contact us now to schedule your free initial Discovery Call and learn how you can travel better.

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